Interview with 'AlterRed' 27 Jan 2010
When did AlterRed first form, and what was the initial goal ?
AlterRed was formed in the Spring of 2008. The plan was to create a sound that lay somewhere between the spooky-kid sound and hard electro. I’ve always loved the idea of writing an album of dark, atmospheric rock songs, then remixing the whole thing with a harder electronic sound. It took a bit of time to get the sound right and to find the right blend of characters for the band, but in the last six to nine months it’s really taken shape.
How did you all meet, and have you been in any other bands before?
We were all mates before who seemed to find ourselves at the same parties! It sort of came together from there.
As a new comer, how would you describe your brand of music?
My own description would be hard, dark electro. The songs on the album vary in style quite broadly, so anything else would simply be inaccurate!
How has the first initial reaction to you been, so far?
On the whole it’s been very positive, though we have played to a variety of audiences and our live shows sometimes need the audience to just go with the flow!
Like all 'Goth', naturally image in the visual sense is important. What made you adopt well I guess 'The Joker', Can we exspect 'Batman', gate crashing your live show. Ironicaly your playing 'Gotham' (Any influence) ?
Hehe, yeah a Batman themed stage show at Gotham would be quite amusing! To be honest, the Joker thing wasn’t actually meant to be a direct take on the Clown Prince of Crime, but was hugely influenced by the notion that “… all it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy” , which is quote from The Man Who Laughs. AlterRed is actually a character from a short story I’ve written where a psychiatrist experiences a series of bad days. The story also features the characters used in the live show.
Where do you draw your influences from, and do your lyrics follow a specific path ?
Oh, everywhere. Movies, literature, graphic novels. Anything that provokes the imagination. The lyrics tend to centre on absurd situations or people’s reactions to them.
As a young band, how have things faired for you. Do you have any crazy stories, you could share with us?
If I told you about our after show parties you likely wouldn’t believe me!
How would you describe your live, approach, what can we expect?
The live show is very much a full on Spooky-Kid theatre show, complete with mental patient and clockwork doll!
Ive heard the tracks posted, on MySpace, there real catchy. What can we exspect from the Debut LP, and does it have a full working title ?
Mind-Forged Manacles should be out in the summer. The songs vary quite a bit. We have basic piano waltzes, stompy industrial numbers, and soaring prog-electro anthems…it really is a mixed bag, but totally sums up the characters in the short story.
Thanks for your time
Anytime!, Hope to see you at Gotham II...

You'll be 'batz' to miss this one. A band to see and a band to watch...
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When did AlterRed first form, and what was the initial goal ?
AlterRed was formed in the Spring of 2008. The plan was to create a sound that lay somewhere between the spooky-kid sound and hard electro. I’ve always loved the idea of writing an album of dark, atmospheric rock songs, then remixing the whole thing with a harder electronic sound. It took a bit of time to get the sound right and to find the right blend of characters for the band, but in the last six to nine months it’s really taken shape.
How did you all meet, and have you been in any other bands before?
We were all mates before who seemed to find ourselves at the same parties! It sort of came together from there.
As a new comer, how would you describe your brand of music?
My own description would be hard, dark electro. The songs on the album vary in style quite broadly, so anything else would simply be inaccurate!
How has the first initial reaction to you been, so far?
On the whole it’s been very positive, though we have played to a variety of audiences and our live shows sometimes need the audience to just go with the flow!
Like all 'Goth', naturally image in the visual sense is important. What made you adopt well I guess 'The Joker', Can we exspect 'Batman', gate crashing your live show. Ironicaly your playing 'Gotham' (Any influence) ?
Hehe, yeah a Batman themed stage show at Gotham would be quite amusing! To be honest, the Joker thing wasn’t actually meant to be a direct take on the Clown Prince of Crime, but was hugely influenced by the notion that “… all it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy” , which is quote from The Man Who Laughs. AlterRed is actually a character from a short story I’ve written where a psychiatrist experiences a series of bad days. The story also features the characters used in the live show.
Where do you draw your influences from, and do your lyrics follow a specific path ?
Oh, everywhere. Movies, literature, graphic novels. Anything that provokes the imagination. The lyrics tend to centre on absurd situations or people’s reactions to them.
As a young band, how have things faired for you. Do you have any crazy stories, you could share with us?
If I told you about our after show parties you likely wouldn’t believe me!
How would you describe your live, approach, what can we expect?
The live show is very much a full on Spooky-Kid theatre show, complete with mental patient and clockwork doll!
Ive heard the tracks posted, on MySpace, there real catchy. What can we exspect from the Debut LP, and does it have a full working title ?
Mind-Forged Manacles should be out in the summer. The songs vary quite a bit. We have basic piano waltzes, stompy industrial numbers, and soaring prog-electro anthems…it really is a mixed bag, but totally sums up the characters in the short story.
Thanks for your time
Anytime!, Hope to see you at Gotham II...

You'll be 'batz' to miss this one. A band to see and a band to watch...
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