Interview with 'Pretentious Moi?' 21 Jan 2010
Please tell us how, Pretentious, Moi?, came to be and what your first intentions were ?
PM is a long, no make that really long running side-project of mine. The first demo was put out on a tape. I was in the then somewhat electronic ‘2nd coming/sins of the flesh’ – so PM was my own little gothic outlet. As the years have gone on and half my mates grew up to be DJs my more recent twiddlings have got a bit of club play – and through that plus the Internet it developed enough momentum for some nice people in Austria to offer me a gig on the proviso that I put a band together (which is reasonable) So I’ve pulled a band together out of my most capable friends, and here we are.
With three Demo's to boot, how has the feedback been ?
For the first one – muted, for the second one a bit more positive, and now that the demo material isn’t far off album quality – strangely enthusiastic. ‘Got to love the goth scene – If they like you , they really do let it show.
For the newcomer like myself, how would describe your brand / strain of goth of music ?
It’s a bit of a freeze-frame of the stuff I liked when I first got really into the scene – so it’s perhaps a bit dated in its influences, but brings in more contemporary ideas on how stuff should sound. I guess it’s a 90’s UK/German gothic sound – guitar driven with a dance beat - but a teeny bit more epic and, well, pretentious.
Do you follow any particular themes, or lyrical concepts within your music ?
Unconsciously yes, the lyrics are meant to be open to interpretation at one level, and the goth genre is a good vehicle for that, and I always thought I was writing about different things – but it’s only now I’m collecting the album together that I’m noticing consistencies between the songs. Oops.
How do you feel about the current situation of the modern scene, there are few left from the original pioneer's. The industrial electro scene seems to be trying to take over ?
I’m not well enough travelled to know how the scene as a whole is shaping up –I know that even from city to city there are differences in the prevailing direction.
I’m told by mates in Germany that things are still overwhelmingly industrial, but in the UK things seem to have reversed in the last four years or so – there are certainly more ‘trad’ goth clubs about than there were, and similarly the deathrock scene has reintroduced another more punky (and in some respects authentic) element to the scene. If the industrial scene is trying to take over – I’d say it either already has, or it’s on the wane slightly.
With the 'Goth', music comes a visual image, do you pride yourself in any particular stage look, or do you think the hell the music speaks for itself ?
I look like I always have – the kind of slightly scruffy type of goth that prevailed in the 90’s – before we all got jobs and could afford proper clothes. When it comes to stage-wear always dress for comfort, as it gets awfully hot up there.
Do you think you're now ready as a tight unit, and stable as a band to put out a full killer LP, and what can we expect ?
We’ve just had a our first post-austria get together, and we were pretty damn tight to be honest, in spite of the break – as we don’t intend to maintain a regular gigging schedule, day-jobs etc; y’know. So we have to work hard before each gig to make sure it’s all up to speed – fortunately the guys are really quite good – so they make It look pretty easy, which it isn’t. The album was put together before the band – and it’s very nearly finished – I’m thinking it’ll be ready for Whitby – this is what most goth bands usually say.
You re scheduled for the legendary Whitby, can we expect to see any live shows before then, any in London ?
Not in London – but we’re in Oslo in February, and in Lisbon immediately prior to Whitby – so we’ll be on pretty good form. It would be nice to play in London sometime, but there aren’t really that many decent venues of a sensible size, or sensible venues of a decent size, coming to think of it ;)
A stunning and beautifully, produced 5 track demo, is currently available from the band...
Demo '09
1. Witchouse
2. Malina
3. Living Dead And Undecided
4. Now And Again
5. Sense In Segments
Nearly twenty five minute's long. This MLP, certainly boasts a stunning studio feel quality, for a demo release. I certainly recommend making an effort to obtain this little gemm. It will leave you wanting more. Each track builds and leaves you humming them for weeks to come, check out 'Malina'.
(A band to watch)
your willing victim
but the crime we cannot know
you are the hope that ever turned to flight
I raise the cry that drifts across the burning fields
and rake the embers of your fading light
as I cry arise
I turn the dead to claim your prize
and though
I stare through
come closer
I knew you
and though
I burn through
you know we were fragile after all
you kept no promise
with no safeguards ever asked
what summer’s madness drew you back to us
I rock the cradle when the thought of you is gone
and warmest answers leave us cold enough
one for remembrance
and one for safe return
their colours melting in your blaze of light
one for forgiveness
and the spoils we cannot keep
we'll live again before you leave my sight

PM is a long, no make that really long running side-project of mine. The first demo was put out on a tape. I was in the then somewhat electronic ‘2nd coming/sins of the flesh’ – so PM was my own little gothic outlet. As the years have gone on and half my mates grew up to be DJs my more recent twiddlings have got a bit of club play – and through that plus the Internet it developed enough momentum for some nice people in Austria to offer me a gig on the proviso that I put a band together (which is reasonable) So I’ve pulled a band together out of my most capable friends, and here we are.
With three Demo's to boot, how has the feedback been ?
For the first one – muted, for the second one a bit more positive, and now that the demo material isn’t far off album quality – strangely enthusiastic. ‘Got to love the goth scene – If they like you , they really do let it show.
For the newcomer like myself, how would describe your brand / strain of goth of music ?
It’s a bit of a freeze-frame of the stuff I liked when I first got really into the scene – so it’s perhaps a bit dated in its influences, but brings in more contemporary ideas on how stuff should sound. I guess it’s a 90’s UK/German gothic sound – guitar driven with a dance beat - but a teeny bit more epic and, well, pretentious.
Do you follow any particular themes, or lyrical concepts within your music ?
Unconsciously yes, the lyrics are meant to be open to interpretation at one level, and the goth genre is a good vehicle for that, and I always thought I was writing about different things – but it’s only now I’m collecting the album together that I’m noticing consistencies between the songs. Oops.
How do you feel about the current situation of the modern scene, there are few left from the original pioneer's. The industrial electro scene seems to be trying to take over ?
I’m not well enough travelled to know how the scene as a whole is shaping up –I know that even from city to city there are differences in the prevailing direction.
I’m told by mates in Germany that things are still overwhelmingly industrial, but in the UK things seem to have reversed in the last four years or so – there are certainly more ‘trad’ goth clubs about than there were, and similarly the deathrock scene has reintroduced another more punky (and in some respects authentic) element to the scene. If the industrial scene is trying to take over – I’d say it either already has, or it’s on the wane slightly.
With the 'Goth', music comes a visual image, do you pride yourself in any particular stage look, or do you think the hell the music speaks for itself ?
I look like I always have – the kind of slightly scruffy type of goth that prevailed in the 90’s – before we all got jobs and could afford proper clothes. When it comes to stage-wear always dress for comfort, as it gets awfully hot up there.
Do you think you're now ready as a tight unit, and stable as a band to put out a full killer LP, and what can we expect ?
We’ve just had a our first post-austria get together, and we were pretty damn tight to be honest, in spite of the break – as we don’t intend to maintain a regular gigging schedule, day-jobs etc; y’know. So we have to work hard before each gig to make sure it’s all up to speed – fortunately the guys are really quite good – so they make It look pretty easy, which it isn’t. The album was put together before the band – and it’s very nearly finished – I’m thinking it’ll be ready for Whitby – this is what most goth bands usually say.
You re scheduled for the legendary Whitby, can we expect to see any live shows before then, any in London ?
Not in London – but we’re in Oslo in February, and in Lisbon immediately prior to Whitby – so we’ll be on pretty good form. It would be nice to play in London sometime, but there aren’t really that many decent venues of a sensible size, or sensible venues of a decent size, coming to think of it ;)
A stunning and beautifully, produced 5 track demo, is currently available from the band...
Demo '09
1. Witchouse
2. Malina
3. Living Dead And Undecided
4. Now And Again
5. Sense In Segments
Nearly twenty five minute's long. This MLP, certainly boasts a stunning studio feel quality, for a demo release. I certainly recommend making an effort to obtain this little gemm. It will leave you wanting more. Each track builds and leaves you humming them for weeks to come, check out 'Malina'.
(A band to watch)
your willing victim
but the crime we cannot know
you are the hope that ever turned to flight
I raise the cry that drifts across the burning fields
and rake the embers of your fading light
as I cry arise
I turn the dead to claim your prize
and though
I stare through
come closer
I knew you
and though
I burn through
you know we were fragile after all
you kept no promise
with no safeguards ever asked
what summer’s madness drew you back to us
I rock the cradle when the thought of you is gone
and warmest answers leave us cold enough
one for remembrance
and one for safe return
their colours melting in your blaze of light
one for forgiveness
and the spoils we cannot keep
we'll live again before you leave my sight

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